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How to Master Layering Necklaces

How to Master Layering Necklaces

Wearing more than one necklace is not only a hot trend but a great way of adding interest to any outfit. There’s a few simple tips we’ve prepared to help you master the art of the effortlessly cool layered look. If you’re not quite ready to create your own look that’s ok - we have a stunning collection of necklace stacks to choose from so you don’t even have to think about what works well, it’s all done for you.

How To Layer Necklaces

Layering necklaces should not be a major life decision. Often, the most beautiful combos are put together at the last minute so it’s time to just experiment and have fun. Firstly, think about what you're wearing and which pieces will complement your outfit that day. Is your outfit quite plain and in need of some more details, or are you wearing something that's already making its own statement and just needs a little something more?

Think about what would create a balanced look. If you have a big round pendant, pair it with a dainty charm or just a chain on its own to complete the look. Too many big statement pieces all at once will detract from each other and just create a big confused mess!

Check out our tips below for getting it right…

Narvi x Labelle x Satya Empress Necklace Stack

How to Master Wearing More Than One Necklace

Do what feels good to you! Have fun with it and play around with layering necklaces of different styles and metals. A necklace stack can include silver and gold tones, gems, pendants, charms, anything - just don’t wear them all at once!

If you’re having trouble actually getting your necklace stack on, ask someone to help you or do them up at the front (where you can see) then spin the clasp around the back. Remember to be careful when spinning them around to not get them tangled.

If you’re still not sure you’re nailing the look check out our carefully curated selection of ready-made necklace stacks. They are universally complementary and you can’t go wrong when we’ve done all the work for you.

Narvi x Labelle Diango Necklace Stack

Try Out Length Variation

One of the tricks to feeling confident in wearing more than one necklace is to vary the lengths. Not only does it allow the designs to be clearly seen but it also helps stop them getting all twisted together and entirely running the look you’re trying to create! 

We love a choker necklace or shorter length for high neck styles, or just to peek out the top of a basic tee. We use longer length necklaces to break up a plain top or perfectly compliment a deep v neck. If you wear a necklace stack that's all the same length we can almost guarantee it will be tangled before you leave the house and you’ll spend all day trying to undo it! Not ideal.

Combine Different Styles Of Chains

If you want to know how to put on a double layer necklace it’s pretty simple. Just put your more delicate pieces on first then the heavier or thicker chain over the top. This will help them stay in place and minimise the dreaded tangling that can sometimes happen with layered necklaces. 

We love starting with a classic snake chain and building a look from there. Chunky and fine, detailed and plain - the options are endless with necklace stacks.

How to Style Silver Layered Necklace

Do you have a favourite silver statement necklace that you absolutely love? Style your look around it to create an easy silver layered necklace stack. Find a shorter or longer chain to pair it with to give your old faithful centrepiece a new lease on life. Or, combine multiple pendants for a statement stack, just ensure they are different lengths to create a cascading effect. Or if you really want to mix it up, we pairing it with a gold chain or maybe even some beads for colour. Anything goes.

How to Style Gold Layered Necklaces

Start with one gorgeous gold necklace you feel like wearing that day and go from there. If feeling like a minimalist day, then pick some easy wearing gold chains to layer above your main piece to create a gorgeous gold layered necklace stack. For a statement kinda day, pop on a pendant if you need a little colour or interest or to get that perfect ‘v’ drop.

Layering necklaces is often one of the last steps in getting ready before you head out the door. Keep it fun, experiment, and if you feel like you’ve overdone it then maybe take something off!

We love wearing more than one necklace (it means we don’t have to settle on just one). Check out our collection of individual necklaces to create your own look or our stacks curated by our expert team.

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