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Narvi Dainty Twist Ring Stack Gold Rose Gold Silver

How to Style the Perfect Ring Stack

Anything goes when it comes to styling the perfect ring stack. If you’re not sure where to start and need some inspiration you’ve come to the right place!  

At Narvi we have an absolutely stunning collection of rings available and there’s no need to stop at just one. The beauty of ring stacking is that you can create a layered look that's unique just to you and take the chance to show your own individual style. Check out our guide for how to create the perfect ring stack and get the balance just right!

Stacking Rings Ideas

There’s no hard and fast formula to ring stacking but there are some basic elements to keep in mind when giving this look a try. You might already have a bunch of rings in different sizes, different metals from gold, silver or rose gold, with gems or stones or without. Play around with your current collection, have fun with it and see which combinations you like. 

Mix up the metals with gold and silver, or rose gold (just don't go too crazy!) Have a statement piece on one finger like a big gem or bold piece and accompany it with finer details on the others like little twists or a plain band. 

Midi rings are also really cute to add a little sparkle and shine to your fingertips, just make sure they’re a good fit because you don’t want to lose any! Pinky rings can also be worn on other fingers at the midi length to add further interest and detail.

If you’re still stuck for ideas, check-out our stunning collection of gold layered jewellery stacks and silver layered jewellery stacks where we’ve done all the work for you. You’ll find thick bands with delicate barely-there fine rings. Vary the weights and  shapes to create a balanced look. Try not to wear ALL your chunky rings at once, pick a favourite hero piece and build your look around it.

Labelle Soren x Cora x Jane Ring Stack

How to Stack Rings

If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you. The key to the perfect ring stack is balance, balance, balance! Pair thick bands with thin, texture with smooth, stones with plain. Sure you may have a favourite style you love to wear but just dont wear them all at once! Also, don't stack them all on one finger. Apart from not being able to move your finger if it’s entirely filled with rings, it will look completely unbalanced.

Spread your rings out over a few fingers for symmetry and don't forget to leave at least one finger ring free. The use of a bare finger will help highlight the rings you do have and allow them to shine without looking like a congested, bulky, overdone mess.

If you have a special piece like an engagement ring or your grandmother's wedding band you can allow them to shine whilst still stacking on the other hand. It’s all about complimenting what you have, not competing for space.

How to Style Gold Stacking Rings

Gold rings are so much fun to stack but they can look like a lot if not done correctly. Break up the gold with other metals to tone it down a little or use gems or details to add intrigue. 

We love a few fine gold rings layered with a thick band for the ultimate gold look. We’ll also choose a big statement ring with a bold gem for the ring finger then a few very dainty styles for the pointer. Balance it out - not everyone can be a hero on the same day.

How to Style Silver Stacking Rings

Silver is a hot favourite and a perfect choice for daytime or workwear. If you’ve always loved silver, what don't you play around with a little splash of gold for something different? Add some fine gold details to accentuate the silver and add that little pop of something extra to elevate your look. You can still stay true to your silver roots but adding a little of colour can make all the difference to your overall look.

Mix and Match Metals

The old ‘rules’ of exclusively wearing gold or silver are long gone. Now is the time to mix your metals, you can wear gold and silver together, pair it with rose gold to perfectly compliment each other. Just mix it up a bit but don’t have a gold hand and a silver hand… that would look unbalanced and probably also a little unhinged!

Ring stacking is so on trend right now so don’t be afraid to experiment. If you feel like your look might be a bit much, take off a few rings and see how it wears. For a look that's completely buildable and totally you, give ring stacking a try! Check out our stunning collection at Narvi and perfectly curated ring stacks ready to wear.

Narvi Dainty Twist Ring Stack Gold Rose Gold Silver
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