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Care And Maintenance Tips For Women's Statement Earrings

Care And Maintenance Tips For Women's Statement Earrings

So you’ve just invested in some stunning statement earrings but you’re wondering about how to care for them? We’ve got you covered with some super simple steps to keep your beauties looking their best so you can wear them again and again.

What are Statement Earrings?

Statement earrings comprise big and bold silhouettes to create an ultra impactful effect. They are a style unto themselves and have their own personality, bringing shape, texture, colour, and most of all fun to any look. Some of our favourite statement earrings include dangle earrings, long pearl earrings, oversized hoop earrings and drop flower earrings (just to name a few). Anything goes from gold to silver, beads to pearls, crystals and so much more.

Statement earrings can be worn anytime and are ideal for spicing up a plain outfit. When you feel like you need colour, energy or to show your personality - a statement earring can be the missing piece to your look.

Throne Earrings
Trio Earrings
Vroom Earrings

How To Clean Earrings

Working out how to clean earrings is pretty easy but it helps to know what they're made of before you start. 

    • Gold earrings can be cleaned with a soft cloth and some mild dish soap or jewellery cleaner, just take it easy as gold can be quite soft the higher the carat.
    • Silver earrings also need to be treated gently, so a wipe over with a microfibre cloth will quite often do the job.
    • Gemstone earrings, pearls and precious stones are sometimes susceptible to staining and damage if you use the wrong products. You generally don't need any chemicals to bring them back to their best - just  a quick wipe or soak in some detergent will do. 

Check out some quick steps on how to clean earrings if they need a really good clean:

  1. Firstly, check your earrings for any loose stones or damage before you get started
  2. Pop them in a small bowl
  3. Mix a few tablespoons of mild dishwashing liquid with some warm water
  4. Let them soak for 15-20 minutes to soften the grime
  5. Gently brush with a soft bristled brush if they really need it
  6. Then rinse off with clean water, pat dry with a cloth and you’re all done.

However you choose to clean your earrings, just make sure they’re fully dry before you pack them away. This will prevent any stains or water damage and if you’re ever unsure, take them to a professional jeweller who can clean your earrings for you.

Can You Wash Jewellery

Absolutely, you can wash your jewellery. Just be careful what you’re washing them with as some harsh detergents could cause stains and damage to your precious pieces. Don't use anything too abrasive that could cause scratches - a soft microfibre cloth will be your best friend. 

Many of our pieces at Narvi can be worn in water which is great for active girls or those who forget to take off their jewellery before hopping in the shower. Keep in mind though, some skin lotions, perfumes, soaps, sunscreen etc can damage precious metals so if you’re ever in doubt just take your earrings off.

How To Store Statement Earrings

There’s a million ways you can store your statement earrings and a lot of it depends on how many pairs you have and how much space is available! 

If you want to make a feature of your earring collection you could choose an earring holder to display all your pieces proudly (and you can also see exactly what you have). You could also try a jewellery stand or a corkboard to organise by size and colour - group your pretty pink earrings from gorgeous green earrings and so forth to create a stunning colour blocking aesthetic.   

If space is an issue or you’re concerned about dust then a jewellery box could be your best bet. Remember to give them a quick wipe with a soft cloth before you pack them away so they’re ready to wear next time!

Where To Buy Statement Earrings

When wondering where to buy statement earrings there’s a few things to consider. First is the quality and what they’re made of. Whilst you may not wear them everyday, you still want them to last way past the first wear. Often with shopping for jewellery you get what you pay for and if you find a beautiful pair online but is incredibly cheap, then it is likely to be made of poor quality materials that won't last.

At Narvi we stock only the most beautiful jewellery that is quality too, and also affordable in comparison to fine jewellery that can be incredibly expensive and out of most budgets. Our jewellery wonderland contains every style you can hope for in one single online destination, including more unique options such as stunning red earrings or blingy blue earrings. We are known for our gorgeous statement earrings in particular, curating the most equisite and unique collection from across the globe in one single online destination so that our Australian jewellery lovers can access these hard to find pieces.

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